10 Reasons to Date a Hockey Player

Ten Reasons to Date a Hockey Player:

1. They always wear protection.

2. They have great hands.

3. They are used to scoring.

4. They have great stamina.

5. They find the opening and get it in.

6. They never miss the target.

7. They know how to use their wood.

8. They have long sticks.

9. They know when to play rough.

10. Because baseball players only know how to hit balls.

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6 comment(s):

Anonymous said...


Gossip Girl of WSE said...

thats fucking hilariousss.
i just put it in my buddy info on aim (:

Anonymous said...

Lol! I have found these to be very true!

Anonymous said...

But hockey players only hit guys

Anonymous said...

What about thier shiny helmets

Anonymous said...

i found it to be totaly true most hockey players i have dated were totaly hung and i mean massive